Thursday, December 15, 2011


I'm making a list of the movies I have watched during these holidays. Just to keep track. hehe (yeah I know, it's actually not a food post! *shock*)
2012 (2009)
G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009)
Sorcerer's apprentice (2010)
No strings attached (2011)
Bridesmaids (2011)
I am number 4 (2011)
Clash of the titans (2010)
Rise of the planet of the apes (2011)
Iron man 2 (2010)
Robin hood (2010)
A little bit of heaven (2011)
Knowing (2009)
Push (2009)
Kung fu panda 2 (2011)
Cars 2 (2011)
The green lantern (2011)
Red riding hood (2011)
Sanctum (2011)
True grit (2010)
The King's speech (2010) (recommended! Now I know why it got so many awards)
The bounty hunter (2010)
Unstoppable (2010)
The tourist (2010)
Season of the witch (2011)
Van Helsing (2004)
Date Night (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
Meet Dave (2008)

Monday, October 17, 2011


It's my birthday today! Turning 21...yes the big 21!! time passes by so fast...but I don't feel any different though haha
Last weekend I went out with my sisters and her friends for dinner. And then we went to a cafe to yam cha and chat. It was supposed to be a surprise party for the October babies. In the end, the surprise party was not very surprising at all...haha...but it's all good..Had a very fun and relaxing evening.
Towards the end, they took out the cake and started singing happy birthday. Even the ang mo at the cafe sang with us and started the hip-hip hooray cheer! haha

It's a taro cake! It's quite good. I usually don't eat cakes unless its for special occasions. It's because I just don't like cake with too much cream.
Then my sisters gave me a birthday present! It's a perfume! yay!

My brother gave me a small purse-like handbag!

And my friend gave me a set of bubble bath & shower cream! haha

Whatever people give me for my birthday I'm always happy. haha....well who wouldn't...
Anyways, had a great birthday this year! Hopefully I'm one year older= one year wiser! haha

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Taking pictures

What up guys! I come with more random photos using my new phone's camera.
Few days ago, I went jogging and took some pictures.

Blue sky with completely no clouds.

I really love this one! This is the park where I go to jog.

Ah btw, I went to a sushi place, with kind of a fusion of western and eastern theme. This is a mushroom cheeseburger sushi! yup! It's quite nice! Gonna find more time to go try their other foods.
And this is another time when I went with my family to a bar and grill.

This food here is super nice! Expensive but very very big portion as you can tell. haha...
The photos don't seem that clear under low light though. Maybe I was supposed to turn on flash or something.

That's all folks.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Phone!!!

yay!!!! I finally got a new phone! hahaha! So happy! cuz I didn't change my phone for 3 and a half years already.

I wanted to change to a smart phone for a while. And I specifically wanted to try android phones, partly because the new iphone is gonna be really expensive. Initially, I wanted to get a samsung galaxy S2, but after trying it out, I find it too big for my taste, and the phone plan is more expensive, so I decided to go for HTC. According to some of my friend's opinion, they say that this phone is not bad. And I find it not bad too. I don't need the most high tech and latest stuff. So I think this is enough for me.

Now still in the process of figuring out the phone as I'm too old-school. hehe...

ok. See yall next time.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Since I have nothing better to do (actually I'm procrastinating), I shall write another random blog about food.

This is the time I went with my sister and her friends to celebrate a person's birthday! This place is super fancy by the way as you can tell. Only because this is a special occasion that we went to this place.

Appetizers. This should be clams.

Appetizers again. Some sort of meat...forgot...hehe

Another appetizer. Bread with olives and stuff...

umm.....this should be a passionfruit drink..

This is beef with fois gras (fat duck liver) with some beansprouts or the like and mash potato.
(haha I see that I'm really bad at describing food)

This is some sort of fish! (haha I'm trying my best to remember what those dishes are ok)

And this is my dish! It's rabbits meat! never tried that before. not bad! taste kinda like chicken but not quite. It has a special kind of taste, just like how every meat has a different taste.

And finally, desserts! The desserts is nice but kinda...maybe too sweet for my taste..

Overall the meal tasted good (well it'd better, for they price they charge), but this would be my first and last time at that fancy restaurant. haha..It's good experience though.

That's all for today! see ya! (now I can't escape from homework anymore..T_T)

Monday, August 29, 2011


Last Sunday on the 28th Aug, I had my first marathon! yeah!!! Ok I don't know if that can be considered a marathon, but its a 12km run. It still sounds very daunting..

I was going with my more fitter friend, so I tried to exercise as much as I can before the event.hehe... During the actual run, I actually finished in 1 hour and 46 minutes! That was earlier than what I expected! haha...I previously thought I can only finished in at least 2 hours. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was, but now my legs are sore as hell..

Also, the event organizer gave us our stats for the marathon.
I am the 13771th to finished, the 2453th in the 12km category and the 6165th in gender place!
yay! haha (Ok they don't mean anything, but what the heck, yay!) By the way, the 1st person finished in 35 minutes. crazy....

I even have a medal to prove it! hehe

Yeah! So happy that I finished the marathon! Feel so accomplished!! Now I can cross off "running in a marathon" in the "things to do before you die" list. haha

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bad luck

*sigh* I'm having back luck these few days. Just 2 days ago, during a house gathering, my sister's friend accidentally drop a knife on my leg. Luckily only a small bruise.
As if that wasn't scary enough. Then tonight, while I was chopping food, i accidentally cut my left finger. The cut was very painful! After a while, I could see stars already....haha I think my body was in shock...

haih.......what the and knife don't go well this week....hate the start of a busy week some more....
Ok. I shall be depressed somewhere else.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Baking cake

During the holidays, me and my sisters baked pandan cake.
This is the cake out of the oven.

This is the finished cake!

That's all. ^^

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Went with a friend to have a drink today.

Drank 3 glasses of beer. haha. Bet I'm gonna sleep really well tonight.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Movie night

Yay I just watched finish Harry potter! so bittersweet.
And on our way back, the night was surrounded by super thick fog! Never seen this before in Perth. The visibility was almost 10m. But the strange thing is, the night wasn't that cold. Feel so fascinated by it! hahaha..I know I sound like I have never seen fog before.

Well I tried to take pictures outside of my house, but my phone's camera is ancient. So this is what you get.
This is the failed one. haha...but it looks kinda artistic don'tcha think?

This is the other one. Well, it doesn't really show it. hehe. but it definitely is very foggy.

That's all for today. I just realized this a very random post.haha..hmm...oh well. Until next time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Trip to margaret river

Last week, my classmate came to perth for holiday and we brought her sightseeing around perth. One of the destination is Margaret river, which is a tourist attraction famous for wineries, chocolates, scenic views, caves, nature stuff etc. you get the idea... We went to a lot of places, can't seem to recall them now..haha...just kidding..first we went to busselton jetty and took the train out to the sea.
This jetty is 1.8km long.

This is the view 1.8km out at sea.

This is the train we rode on.

and this is me on the train. haha..

By the way, that day was raining and the wind was very strong, so it was basically cold and wet. That's the only reason we spent 10 dollars to hop on the train instead on walking...hahaha... That won't happen again.
Then we went to margaret river chocolate factory. This is a must-visit location.

Ok this picture was taken at a different place, but the content should be the same.hehe. Just to show that there is lots of chocolates there.

Because it was raining, we couldn't go to many places that requires the sun. As I said, it has many scenic views. So we straight away went to check in at the resort. This is a small garden outside of the resort. nice eh.

At night we had steamboat, chat, play until midnight. haha...

That's all for the day. Will continue with the second day soon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today I went to try a Japanese restaurant called Yoshiya. Its more expensive and high end. First I ordered a snapper sushi...see how tiny it is compared to the plate? This is like 5 dollars. haha

My sister tried the snapper fillet. Its quite nice!!

And I ordered yakiniku. Medium rare. hehe...never try well done cuz it will be like rubber. haha

WAH!!! damn delicious lah!!!hahaha...really super super super nice!!! I now officially love yakiniku!! wanna eat it again....

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today I finally had subway in a long time! Its chicken schnitzel. very nice!

Then in the afternoon, I went to exercise in the park near my house. I should go more often before class starts again.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

homecook food

Today, I will introduce to you my staple food, the ABC soup! hahaha...It's suitable for students and lazy people like us. You can just chuck everything in and leave it. Don't underestimate its simplicity though, our ABC soup is super delicious! hehe

If you want some vegetables for your dinner, just add some cabbage or the like. So now we have everything in one pot! Easy eh. (yeah we're lazy)

One time, we tried another kind of soup, the minestrone soup. It is just Italian soup made of vegetables and often pasta. There is no fixed recipe for it, you can add whatever vegetables you like. By the way, this is a really good way to eat the stuff that you don't like. haha. It's surprisingly good and filling. The only problem is, you need to buy lots of ingredients which will cost quite a lot. Chopping all the stuff also took quite a while (or maybe we're just slow). So after that time, I rather not make it again due to all the hassle.

Maybe its not that hard, its just that I'm lazy to do it. hahaha
We also make bak kut teh and sweet corn soup. Seems like soup is our specialty. hehe
Today's dinner will also be soup. yay!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today's post will be about burgers! hehehe...
I have only tried a few burger bars in perth.

But the best thing about the burger bars is the onion rings! Super super nice!!! The fries is also very nice!! There's herbs on the fries so its very nice!

That's all for today!
Next week I might have more food pictures as vivian is coming and we'll be bringing here around!