Saturday, October 15, 2011

Taking pictures

What up guys! I come with more random photos using my new phone's camera.
Few days ago, I went jogging and took some pictures.

Blue sky with completely no clouds.

I really love this one! This is the park where I go to jog.

Ah btw, I went to a sushi place, with kind of a fusion of western and eastern theme. This is a mushroom cheeseburger sushi! yup! It's quite nice! Gonna find more time to go try their other foods.
And this is another time when I went with my family to a bar and grill.

This food here is super nice! Expensive but very very big portion as you can tell. haha...
The photos don't seem that clear under low light though. Maybe I was supposed to turn on flash or something.

That's all folks.


  1. the 2nd pic, really very nice!!!

    and i wanna punch u liao..keep uploading those food de photo..ish..hahahahaha

  2. devil..u oso same..keep on putting so many food u cook..
    wahhahahha..samantha teo..oh yea..i like d food..hahahhaha
    nice photo ^^
