Friday, July 22, 2011

Movie night

Yay I just watched finish Harry potter! so bittersweet.
And on our way back, the night was surrounded by super thick fog! Never seen this before in Perth. The visibility was almost 10m. But the strange thing is, the night wasn't that cold. Feel so fascinated by it! hahaha..I know I sound like I have never seen fog before.

Well I tried to take pictures outside of my house, but my phone's camera is ancient. So this is what you get.
This is the failed one. haha...but it looks kinda artistic don'tcha think?

This is the other one. Well, it doesn't really show it. hehe. but it definitely is very foggy.

That's all for today. I just realized this a very random post.haha..hmm...oh well. Until next time.

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