Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Went with a friend to have a drink today.

Drank 3 glasses of beer. haha. Bet I'm gonna sleep really well tonight.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Movie night

Yay I just watched finish Harry potter! so bittersweet.
And on our way back, the night was surrounded by super thick fog! Never seen this before in Perth. The visibility was almost 10m. But the strange thing is, the night wasn't that cold. Feel so fascinated by it! hahaha..I know I sound like I have never seen fog before.

Well I tried to take pictures outside of my house, but my phone's camera is ancient. So this is what you get.
This is the failed one. haha...but it looks kinda artistic don'tcha think?

This is the other one. Well, it doesn't really show it. hehe. but it definitely is very foggy.

That's all for today. I just realized this a very random post.haha..hmm...oh well. Until next time.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Trip to margaret river

Last week, my classmate came to perth for holiday and we brought her sightseeing around perth. One of the destination is Margaret river, which is a tourist attraction famous for wineries, chocolates, scenic views, caves, nature stuff etc. you get the idea... We went to a lot of places, can't seem to recall them now..haha...just kidding..first we went to busselton jetty and took the train out to the sea.
This jetty is 1.8km long.

This is the view 1.8km out at sea.

This is the train we rode on.

and this is me on the train. haha..

By the way, that day was raining and the wind was very strong, so it was basically cold and wet. That's the only reason we spent 10 dollars to hop on the train instead on walking...hahaha... That won't happen again.
Then we went to margaret river chocolate factory. This is a must-visit location.

Ok this picture was taken at a different place, but the content should be the same.hehe. Just to show that there is lots of chocolates there.

Because it was raining, we couldn't go to many places that requires the sun. As I said, it has many scenic views. So we straight away went to check in at the resort. This is a small garden outside of the resort. nice eh.

At night we had steamboat, chat, play until midnight. haha...

That's all for the day. Will continue with the second day soon.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Today I went to try a Japanese restaurant called Yoshiya. Its more expensive and high end. First I ordered a snapper sushi...see how tiny it is compared to the plate? This is like 5 dollars. haha

My sister tried the snapper fillet. Its quite nice!!

And I ordered yakiniku. Medium rare. hehe...never try well done cuz it will be like rubber. haha

WAH!!! damn delicious lah!!!hahaha...really super super super nice!!! I now officially love yakiniku!! wanna eat it again....

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today I finally had subway in a long time! Its chicken schnitzel. very nice!

Then in the afternoon, I went to exercise in the park near my house. I should go more often before class starts again.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

homecook food

Today, I will introduce to you my staple food, the ABC soup! hahaha...It's suitable for students and lazy people like us. You can just chuck everything in and leave it. Don't underestimate its simplicity though, our ABC soup is super delicious! hehe

If you want some vegetables for your dinner, just add some cabbage or the like. So now we have everything in one pot! Easy eh. (yeah we're lazy)

One time, we tried another kind of soup, the minestrone soup. It is just Italian soup made of vegetables and often pasta. There is no fixed recipe for it, you can add whatever vegetables you like. By the way, this is a really good way to eat the stuff that you don't like. haha. It's surprisingly good and filling. The only problem is, you need to buy lots of ingredients which will cost quite a lot. Chopping all the stuff also took quite a while (or maybe we're just slow). So after that time, I rather not make it again due to all the hassle.

Maybe its not that hard, its just that I'm lazy to do it. hahaha
We also make bak kut teh and sweet corn soup. Seems like soup is our specialty. hehe
Today's dinner will also be soup. yay!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today's post will be about burgers! hehehe...
I have only tried a few burger bars in perth.

But the best thing about the burger bars is the onion rings! Super super nice!!! The fries is also very nice!! There's herbs on the fries so its very nice!

That's all for today!
Next week I might have more food pictures as vivian is coming and we'll be bringing here around!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Last year during christmas, my family went to KL and we went to melaka. There is a famous place that sells rice ball. The food there is delicious! haha...

looking at the pictures now makes me wanna eat it! Ahh miss malaysian food!